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Caterpillar Reference Materials for Lubricants
PEHP5026, Data Sheet- Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oils (DEO) (CG4/CF-4) (North America and selected International)PEHP1026, Data Sheet- Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil (DEO) (CF-4) (International only)PEHP0003, Data Sheet- Multipurpose Lithium Complex Grease (MPG)PEHP0002, Data Sheet- Multipurpose Lithium Complex Grease with Molybdenum (MPGM)PEHP0017, Data Sheet- Special Purpose Grease (SPG) Bearing LubricantPECP4025, One Safe SourceSEBD0640, Oil and Your EngineSEBU5898, Cold Weather RecommendationsPEDP1129, Listen To Your OilCaterpillar Reference Materials for Fuels
SEBD0717, Diesel Fuels and Your EngineCaterpillar Reference Materials for Coolants
PEHP4036, Data Sheet- Caterpillar CoolantPEHP5033, S O S Coolant AnalysisPECP4025, One Safe SourceSEBD0518, Know Your Cooling SystemSEBD0970, Coolant and Your EngineMiscellaneous
SENR7377, Service Manual (99U1-7598)SENR7405, Service Manual (60M1-5160)SENR1160, Service Manual (60M5161-UP, 99U7599-UP)LEBM1091, Caterpillar Worldwide Marine DirectoryLEXM0683, Pleasure Craft Storage GuideLEBM3001, 3400 Marine Propulsion Engine PerformanceSENR3130, Torque SpecificationsSEBF8029, Index to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage OperationsSEBF8062, Guideline for Reusable Parts - Cleaning and Inspection of Air FiltersSEHS9031, Storage Procedure for Caterpillar ProductsSEHS7292, Use of 5P-4150 Nozzle Testing GroupSEHS7795, Use of Pump & Governor Tool GroupSEHS8024, Governor Adjusting Tool GroupSEHS8094, Use of Nozzle Puller GroupSEHS7633, Battery Test ProcedureSEHS7332, Do Not Operate tagAdditional Reference Material
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specifications can normally be obtained from your local technological society, library, or college, or contact:American Society for Testing and Materials
1916 Race St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Specifications can be found in your SAE handbook or can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society, or contact:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA USA 15096-0001
Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) information for lube oil selection can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society, or contact:Engine Manufacturers Association
Lubricating Oils Data Book
401 N. Michigan Ave. Ste. 2400
Chicago, IL 60611
PEHP5026, Data Sheet- Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oils (DEO) (CG4/CF-4) (North America and selected International)PEHP1026, Data Sheet- Caterpillar Diesel Engine Oil (DEO) (CF-4) (International only)PEHP0003, Data Sheet- Multipurpose Lithium Complex Grease (MPG)PEHP0002, Data Sheet- Multipurpose Lithium Complex Grease with Molybdenum (MPGM)PEHP0017, Data Sheet- Special Purpose Grease (SPG) Bearing LubricantPECP4025, One Safe SourceSEBD0640, Oil and Your EngineSEBU5898, Cold Weather RecommendationsPEDP1129, Listen To Your OilCaterpillar Reference Materials for Fuels
SEBD0717, Diesel Fuels and Your EngineCaterpillar Reference Materials for Coolants
PEHP4036, Data Sheet- Caterpillar CoolantPEHP5033, S O S Coolant AnalysisPECP4025, One Safe SourceSEBD0518, Know Your Cooling SystemSEBD0970, Coolant and Your EngineMiscellaneous
SENR7377, Service Manual (99U1-7598)SENR7405, Service Manual (60M1-5160)SENR1160, Service Manual (60M5161-UP, 99U7599-UP)LEBM1091, Caterpillar Worldwide Marine DirectoryLEXM0683, Pleasure Craft Storage GuideLEBM3001, 3400 Marine Propulsion Engine PerformanceSENR3130, Torque SpecificationsSEBF8029, Index to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage OperationsSEBF8062, Guideline for Reusable Parts - Cleaning and Inspection of Air FiltersSEHS9031, Storage Procedure for Caterpillar ProductsSEHS7292, Use of 5P-4150 Nozzle Testing GroupSEHS7795, Use of Pump & Governor Tool GroupSEHS8024, Governor Adjusting Tool GroupSEHS8094, Use of Nozzle Puller GroupSEHS7633, Battery Test ProcedureSEHS7332, Do Not Operate tagAdditional Reference Material
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specifications can normally be obtained from your local technological society, library, or college, or contact:American Society for Testing and Materials
1916 Race St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Specifications can be found in your SAE handbook or can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society, or contact:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA USA 15096-0001
Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) information for lube oil selection can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society, or contact:Engine Manufacturers Association
Lubricating Oils Data Book
401 N. Michigan Ave. Ste. 2400
Chicago, IL 60611