09021-95770 STOPPER Denso Cross

Buy STOPPER 09021-95770 genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Information stopper Denso

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Below Normal Heating
Long Idle Periods ... When the engine is running with no load, only a small quantity of fuel is being burned and engine heat is removed too fast.Very Light Load ... Very light loads, and a very slow speed or downhill travel can cause below normal heating because of the low heat input of the engine. The installation of shutters helps to correct this condition.Defective Thermostat(s) ... Thermostat(s) that are "stuck" open (will not move to the closed position) will cause below normal heating. A thermostat that is stuck between the open and closed positions or only opens part of the way can cause below normal heating when the truck has a light load.*Authorized dealers are equipped with the necessary tools and personnel familiar with disassembly and assembly procedures to perform these services.

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