Information pump assy, injecti Denso
Fuel Injection Pump
Vehicle engine
Serial start-end
Injector Nozzle
Injector nozzle:
KIT List:
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Test Calibration Data:
Engine Runs Rough
Misfiring Cylinders...See the topic MISFIRING AND RUNNING ROUGH.Fuel Injection Timing Not Correct. *Automatic Timing Advance Does Not Operate Correctly...Engine must have smooth acceleration. A timing advance that does not operate correctly can cause delays of the engine acceleration at some rpm before high idle, or possibly cause the engine to run rough and backfire during acceleration. This condition is difficult to find if engine acceleration is slow or at a constant engine rpm.Air in Fuel System...Prime the fuel system. See PRIMING THE FUEL SYSTEM.White Smoke
Cold Outside Temperatures...When the air outside is cold, the cylinder temperature is cooler. Not all the fuel will burn in the cylinders. The fuel which does not burn comes out the exhaust as white smoke. White smoke is normal in cold temperatures until the engine operates long enough to become warm. There will be less white smoke if No. 1D diesel fuel is used.Long Idle Periods...When an engine runs at idle speed for a long period of time, the cylinders cool and all of the fuel does not burn. Do not idle an engine for a long period of time. Stop engine when not in use. If long idle periods are necessary use No. 1D diesel fuel.Low Quality Fuel...Test the engine with fuel according to recommendations. See FUEL SPECIFICATIONS.Air in Fuel System ... See PRIMING THE SYSTEM.Fuel Injection Timing Not Correct. *Automatic Timing Advance Does Not Operate Correctly. *Valve Adjustment Not Correct ... Check and make necessary adjustments. See VALVE LASH ADJUSTMENT.Defective Fuel Nozzle(s) ... Defective fuel nozzles will normally cause the engine to "misfire" and run rough, and cause smoke. Replace the fuel nozzles. Fuel nozzles can be tested by your authorized dealer.Misfiring Cylinder(s) ... See the topic MISFIRING AND RUNNING ROUGH.Blue Smoke
Engine Oil Level Too High ... Do not overfill the crankcase. If the oil level in the crankcase goes up as the engine is used, check for fuel in the crankcase. See the topic FUEL IN CRANKCASE OIL.Damage to Positive Crankcase Ventilator Valve or Valve Assembled Wrong. *Worn Valve Guides. *Worn Piston Rings and/or Cylinder Walls ... Worn piston rings and/or cylinder walls can be the cause of blue smoke and can cause a loss of compression. Check cylinder condition with the cylinder leakage tester. *Wear or Damage to Pistons. **Authorized dealers are equipped with the necessary tools and personnel familiar with disassembly and assembly procedures to perform these services.
Misfiring Cylinders...See the topic MISFIRING AND RUNNING ROUGH.Fuel Injection Timing Not Correct. *Automatic Timing Advance Does Not Operate Correctly...Engine must have smooth acceleration. A timing advance that does not operate correctly can cause delays of the engine acceleration at some rpm before high idle, or possibly cause the engine to run rough and backfire during acceleration. This condition is difficult to find if engine acceleration is slow or at a constant engine rpm.Air in Fuel System...Prime the fuel system. See PRIMING THE FUEL SYSTEM.White Smoke
Cold Outside Temperatures...When the air outside is cold, the cylinder temperature is cooler. Not all the fuel will burn in the cylinders. The fuel which does not burn comes out the exhaust as white smoke. White smoke is normal in cold temperatures until the engine operates long enough to become warm. There will be less white smoke if No. 1D diesel fuel is used.Long Idle Periods...When an engine runs at idle speed for a long period of time, the cylinders cool and all of the fuel does not burn. Do not idle an engine for a long period of time. Stop engine when not in use. If long idle periods are necessary use No. 1D diesel fuel.Low Quality Fuel...Test the engine with fuel according to recommendations. See FUEL SPECIFICATIONS.Air in Fuel System ... See PRIMING THE SYSTEM.Fuel Injection Timing Not Correct. *Automatic Timing Advance Does Not Operate Correctly. *Valve Adjustment Not Correct ... Check and make necessary adjustments. See VALVE LASH ADJUSTMENT.Defective Fuel Nozzle(s) ... Defective fuel nozzles will normally cause the engine to "misfire" and run rough, and cause smoke. Replace the fuel nozzles. Fuel nozzles can be tested by your authorized dealer.Misfiring Cylinder(s) ... See the topic MISFIRING AND RUNNING ROUGH.Blue Smoke
Engine Oil Level Too High ... Do not overfill the crankcase. If the oil level in the crankcase goes up as the engine is used, check for fuel in the crankcase. See the topic FUEL IN CRANKCASE OIL.Damage to Positive Crankcase Ventilator Valve or Valve Assembled Wrong. *Worn Valve Guides. *Worn Piston Rings and/or Cylinder Walls ... Worn piston rings and/or cylinder walls can be the cause of blue smoke and can cause a loss of compression. Check cylinder condition with the cylinder leakage tester. *Wear or Damage to Pistons. **Authorized dealers are equipped with the necessary tools and personnel familiar with disassembly and assembly procedures to perform these services.