09031-10210 PLATE, TAPPET ADJU Denso Cross


Cat Reman announces an appearance change to certain 3406 and 3500 electronic unit injectors. Effective immediately, certain remanufactured electronic unit injectors for 3406 and 3500 engines will be produced with stators, which have been ground slightly around the outside to remove potentially obsolete identification information. In many cases, these remanufactured injectors were previously produced with a metal sleeve around the outside of the stator to cover any potentially obsolete identifying information. Dealers will see both sleeved and ground stators for some period of time. This change will not impact quality, performance, form, fit, or function.
Effective immediately, Figure 1 and Figure 2 willboth represent acceptable appearance for the affected electronic unit injector part numbers. Table 1 lists all affected part numbers.
Core Acceptance
Core Acceptance Criteria for Cat Reman parts is simple, visual, and requires no special tools. Consult the Unit Injectors Electronic Core Acceptance Criteria (SELD0226) for complete details.
Please consult the appropriate Caterpillar parts warranty statement for your area.
Core Management
Please refer to the Cat Core Management Information System (CMIS 2) Parts Information application describing all Cat Reman part/CAF and related information. Also refer to other CMIS 2 inquiry applications such as Customer Profiles, Inspection Reason Codes, Inspection Line Inquiry, Add Charge Information, Entitlement Activity, Entitlement Inquiry, CCR Inquiry, CCR Entry, Shipment Processing; Process Packaging Grief; and Reporting to properly manage core returns and monitor inspection performance. This information will be available to all dealers worldwide after your CMIS 2 conversion date. In the meantime, please continue to use the current CMIS Entitlement Parts Inquiry Screen describing the list of parts in a Core Acceptability Family (CAF) and related part number detail.
For the latest updates of Reman Policies and Core Management (SELD0122), Core Management Systems & Operations Procedures (SELD0040), and Shipping Instructions (SELD0039), go to the Reman Dealer website https://catreman.cat.com. If you have any questions regarding core return processing, feel free to call Corinth toll free at (800) 537-2928. Outside the US please refer to the Core section of the Reman website for appropriate contact information for your region.
For assistance with technical questions, call the Peoria Reman Technical Help Line also toll free at (888) 88-REMAN (outside the US call non-toll free +1-309-494-4342), or use our E-mail address--Reman_Help.

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