94914-05080 O-RING Denso Cross

Buy O-RING 94914-05080 genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Information o-ring Denso

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Illustration 1 g01573105
Typical example (1) Terminal strip (2) Engine oil filler (3) Engine oil cooler (4) Engine oil level gauge (dipstick) (5) Fuel priming pump (6) Expansion tank filler cap (7) Expansion tank (8) Heat exchanger (9) Water pump (jacket water) (10) Engine oil filter (11) Fuel filter
Illustration 2 g01967833
Typical example (12) Filter change indicator (13) Aftercooler (14) Aftercooler condensate drain valve (15) Air cleaner (16) Air filter restriction indicator (17) Sea water pump (18) Fuel transfer pump (19) Filter for crankcase ventilation system (20) Electronic control module (ECM)Starting The Engine
The engine's Electronic Control Module (ECM) will automatically provide the correct amount of fuel in order to start the engine. Do not hold the throttle down while the engine is cranking. If the engine fails to start in 30 seconds, release the starting switch. Allow the starting motor to cool for two minutes before the starting motor is used again.
Excessive ether (starting fluid) can cause piston and ring damage. Use ether for cold weather starting purposes only.
Cold Mode Operation
The ECM will set cold mode when the coolant temperature is below 18 °C (64 °F).When the cold start strategy is activated, low idle rpm will be increased to 1000 rpm and engine power will be limited.Cold mode will be deactivated when the coolant temperature reaches 18 °C (64 °F).
Coolant temperature reaches 18 °C (64 °F).
The engine has been running for fourteen minutes.Cold mode varies the amount of fuel that is injected for white smoke cleanup. Cold mode also varies the timing for white smoke cleanup. The engine operating temperature is usually reached before the walk-around inspection is completed.After cold mode is completed, the engine should be operated at low speed until normal operating temperature is reached. The engine will reach normal operating temperature faster when the engine is operated at low speed and low power demand.Customer Specified Parameters
The engine is capable of being programmed for several customer specified parameters. For a brief explanation of each of the customer specified parameters, see the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

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