Information nozzle assy Denso
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The new injectors and the remanufactured injectors are direct replacements for the former injectors, which are canceled. The types of 3600 Engines are listed in Table 1 with the corresponding part numbers of the new injectors, the former injectors, and the remanufactured injectors. Use this Special Instruction only when you replace former injectors with new injectors or with remanufactured injectors.
Table 1
Part Numbers of Fuel Injector Groups    
3600 Engine Type    New Pt. No.    Former Pt. No.    Reman
Pt. No.    
Distillate Fuel     224-9090     184-2527     10R-1252    
Heavy Fuel Oil     224-9089     168-3554     10R-1253    
3618     224-9091     184-2528     10R-1254    Because the spray patterns of the new injectors and the remanufactured injectors are more efficient, the engine timing must be retarded by 2.5 degrees in order to maintain the emission levels that were provided by the former injectors. The timing dimension for the injectors must be adjusted.Failure to retard the timing will result in exhaust emissions that are not consistent with the original emissions. For this reason, replacement of all of the former injectors with new injectors or with remanufactured injectors is recommended.If only one injector must be replaced in an engine that has the former injectors, make sure that the injector has the correct timing dimension.To determine the new timing dimension, the current static timing and the current timing dimension must be known. This Special Instruction includes two different procedures for obtaining the data: one method uses the traditional Technical Marketing Information (TMI) and the other method uses the TMIWEB on the Internet. The data is referenced to Table 2 in this Special Instruction in order to obtain the correct timing dimension for the new injectors and for the remanufactured injectors.Note: The columns in Table 2 use headings of different types of camshafts. For example, "Low Emission" is one of the types. You do not need to know the type of engine camshaft in order to use the Table. You do not need to know the type of camshaft in order to adjust the timing dimension. However, you will find out the type of camshaft when you use the Table.Do not perform any procedure in this Special Instruction until you read this information and you understand this information.Determining the Current Static Timing and Timing Dimension
Note: The TMIWEB requires authorization for use. You can request access to the site.
Use one of the following methods to access the TMIWEB:
If you are using SIS Web, select the "TECHNICAL MARKETING INFORMATION - TMI WEB" link from the main menu.
If you are not using SIS Web, go to the following internet address:http://tmiweb.cat.com
Illustration 1 g02285373
Example of the TMIWEB screen
After you enter the TMIWEB, select "Engine/Parts Data" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
Illustration 2 g02288533
Example of the "Engine Data" screen
Type the engine serial number in the "Reference Number" field. Select "Serial Number" from the drop-down menu. Select "Metric" for the "Unit Type". Click on the "Retrieve Data" button.
Illustration 3 g02288935
Example of the "Test
The new injectors and the remanufactured injectors are direct replacements for the former injectors, which are canceled. The types of 3600 Engines are listed in Table 1 with the corresponding part numbers of the new injectors, the former injectors, and the remanufactured injectors. Use this Special Instruction only when you replace former injectors with new injectors or with remanufactured injectors.
Table 1
Part Numbers of Fuel Injector Groups    
3600 Engine Type    New Pt. No.    Former Pt. No.    Reman
Pt. No.    
Distillate Fuel     224-9090     184-2527     10R-1252    
Heavy Fuel Oil     224-9089     168-3554     10R-1253    
3618     224-9091     184-2528     10R-1254    Because the spray patterns of the new injectors and the remanufactured injectors are more efficient, the engine timing must be retarded by 2.5 degrees in order to maintain the emission levels that were provided by the former injectors. The timing dimension for the injectors must be adjusted.Failure to retard the timing will result in exhaust emissions that are not consistent with the original emissions. For this reason, replacement of all of the former injectors with new injectors or with remanufactured injectors is recommended.If only one injector must be replaced in an engine that has the former injectors, make sure that the injector has the correct timing dimension.To determine the new timing dimension, the current static timing and the current timing dimension must be known. This Special Instruction includes two different procedures for obtaining the data: one method uses the traditional Technical Marketing Information (TMI) and the other method uses the TMIWEB on the Internet. The data is referenced to Table 2 in this Special Instruction in order to obtain the correct timing dimension for the new injectors and for the remanufactured injectors.Note: The columns in Table 2 use headings of different types of camshafts. For example, "Low Emission" is one of the types. You do not need to know the type of engine camshaft in order to use the Table. You do not need to know the type of camshaft in order to adjust the timing dimension. However, you will find out the type of camshaft when you use the Table.Do not perform any procedure in this Special Instruction until you read this information and you understand this information.Determining the Current Static Timing and Timing Dimension
Note: The TMIWEB requires authorization for use. You can request access to the site.
Use one of the following methods to access the TMIWEB:
If you are using SIS Web, select the "TECHNICAL MARKETING INFORMATION - TMI WEB" link from the main menu.
If you are not using SIS Web, go to the following internet address:http://tmiweb.cat.com
Illustration 1 g02285373
Example of the TMIWEB screen
After you enter the TMIWEB, select "Engine/Parts Data" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
Illustration 2 g02288533
Example of the "Engine Data" screen
Type the engine serial number in the "Reference Number" field. Select "Serial Number" from the drop-down menu. Select "Metric" for the "Unit Type". Click on the "Retrieve Data" button.
Illustration 3 g02288935
Example of the "Test