09340-01930 Injector Nozzle Denso Cross

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Fuel cost is the largest single expense over the life of anengine.
Unfortunately, often as fuel costs increase, the quality of available fueldecreases. It is important to understand the effects an inferior fuel qualitycan have on your engine.
Unless the specific measures mentioned in this book are taken, using theincorrect fuel can result in excessive engine wear and perhaps even prematureengine failure.
Fuel Costs Versus Operating Costs
Before 1970, most manufacturers of medium to high speed diesel enginesdesigned them to operate on fuels that were highly refined("distillate" fuels). Efficient, economical operation of these enginesdepended on the quality of fuel they burned and there was a readily availablesupply of inexpensive, fair quality fuel. Fuel costs were not considered asignificant factor before the early 1970s.
A major oil supply crisis occurred in 1973. It created an overnight shortageof fuels around the world. Prices rose very sharply, and have remained higherthan anyone would have predicted. The quality of available fuels correspondinglydecreased and is expected to decrease further. Today owners are acutely aware offuel expense and how it affects their operation.
Graph showing crude oil barrel costs over the past several years(Diesel fuel
prices have a similar trend since diesel fuels are refined from crude oil.)
Before the 1973 oil crisis, fuel typically represented less than 30% of theoperating expense of an engine. Today this percentage is often 60 to 90%. Manyowners of large engines are seriously considering alternative fuels to helpreduce escalating fuel costs. This booklet discusses some alternatives and listssome of the most critical characteristics of fuel so you can buy fuelintelligently.
This booklet does not contain information on how to operate enginesfor maximum fuel economy. Such information is available in other publications.Refer also to Form LEKQ4487, Engine Data Sheet 60.2, "Fuel ConservationPractices".
Understanding Fuel
Fuel produces power in a diesel engine when it is atomized and mixed with air inthe combustion chamber. Pressure caused by the piston rising in the cylindercauses a rapid temperature increase. When fuel is injected, the fuel/air mixtureignites and the energy of the fuel is released to force the pistons downward andturn the crankshaft. A perfect fuel would burn completely, leaving no residue orsmoke products. However, there is no perfect fuel.
Ignition/Power Stroke. Injected diesel fuel and
compressed air ignite from the rapid rise in heat.
Get the Facts on Fuel
Price is not the only factor when considering the fuel for your engine.Before you make a decision on what type of fuel to burn, read this book. It hasbasic, easy-to-understand explanations of the functions and properties of fueland how they affect your engine.
Once you understand the differences between fuels, it will be easier for youto see the consequences of using an incorrect or poor fuel.
This book is an overview of basic fuel information. Refer to the publicationslist at the end, for a listing of publications providing more details onparticular items.
Remember - clean fuel meeting Caterpillar's fuel recommendations will giveyou normal engine service life and performance; anything less is a compromise.
Fuel Selection
Experience has proven that distillate fuels meeting basic specifications willresult in optimum engine performance and durability. Depending on fuel

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