HU294-10055 HOUSING SUB-ASSY, Denso Cross

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Information housing sub-assy, Denso

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29405-00480 as HOUSING SUB-ASSY,

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Check Engine Light
A cab mounted "Check Engine" light is included with the 3406B PEEC engine. The "Check Engine" light indicates an engine fault condition or a 3406B PEEC system fault.If the check engine lamp is on during normal engine operation, the 3406B PEEC has detected a system fault. Use the Check Engine light in the cab or service tools to identify the diagnostic code. Check Engine Light - The "Check Engine" light will be ON and will blink every five seconds whenever a diagnostic fault is detected by the ECM. The light should also be ON whenever the START switch is turned on, but the engine is not running. This condition will test whether the light is operating correctly.If the Check Engine light comes on and stays on after initial start-up, the 3406B PEEC has detected a system fault.Diagnostic Codes-Interpretation
When The Vehicle Is Equipped With Cruise Control (CC):
If the truck is equipped with cruise control (CC), turn the CC switch to OFF and move the SET/RESUME switch to RESUME position. The Check Engine Light will flash to indicate a 2-digit fault code while the switch is held in the RESUME position.When The Vehicle Is Not Equipped With Cruise Control (CC):
Some trucks are equipped with a Check Engine Light Switch to check diagnostic codes.
Check Engine Light Diagnostic Connection The Check Engine Light can be used to communicate the specific PEEC system diagnostic fault. This can be done by connecting a push button momentary switch from position E of connector P1 to ground.With the Check Engine light switch ON, the Check Engine light will then flash to indicate the 2-digit diagnostic fault code. This can be done by connecting a push button momentary switch from position E of connector P1 through the momentary switch and back to position B of connector P1.With the switch depressed, the "Check Engine" light will begin to flash. The sequence of flashes represents the 3406B PEEC system diagnostic message.The first sequence of flashes adds up to the first digit of the diagnostic code. After a two second pause, a second sequence of flashes will occur which represents the second digit of the diagnostic code. Any additional codes will follow and will be displayed in the same manner.Refer to 3406B PEEC Truck Engine Test Procedures, Form SENR3479 and the Service Manual for troubleshooting the 3406B PEEC System. For further information or assistance for repairs, contact an authorized Caterpillar dealer.Some trucks have electronic dashboards that provide a direct readout of 3406B PEEC engine diagnostic codes. Follow the truck manufacturer's instructions to obtain engine diagnostic codes.Use the light in the cab to determine the diagnostic code. Otherwise the fault can be identified using a Caterpillar service tool, ECAP (Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer) or DDT (Digital Diagnostic Tool).Interpreting Diagnostic Codes
When reading diagnostic codes with one of the procedures outlined in the previous section, a Code 55 is displayed, then the system has not detected any faults or codes. The following is a list of 3406B PEEC diagnostic (fault) codes

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