Information housing sub-assy, Denso
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Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect engine for leaks and loose connections Engine Crankcase - Check oil level Cooling System - Check coolant level Clutch - Check/Adjust/Lubricate Air Starter & Air Tank (if equipped) - Check Engine Air Cleaner - Check service indicator SR4 Generator - Inspect/CheckEvery 1,900 L (500 gal) of Fuel or 50 Service Hours*
Dust Collector - Clean Light Duty Air Cleaner (If Equipped) - ReplaceEvery 4,250 L (1,100 gal) of Fuel or 125 Service Hours*
Clutch - Check/Adjust/Lubricate Generator Space Heaters - CheckEvery 8,500 L (2,200 gal) of Fuel or 250 Service Hours*
Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S)1 - Obtain Sample Engine Oil and Filter(s)1 - Change Crankcase Breather1 - Clean Engine Valve Lash (Between First 250 and 1000 Service Hours Only)1 - Check/Adjust Cooling System - Test for supplemental coolant additive concentration Fuel System - Clean/Replace filters, Drain water from fuel tank Radiator Fins, Aftercooler, Belts, and Hoses - Inspect/Check Fan Drive Bearing - Lubricate Batteries - Clean/Check Magnetic Pickup (At First Oil Change Only - Inspect/Clean1These maintenance requirements are to be performed between the 250 and the 1000 Service Hour interval for engines equipped with turbochargers (T, TA & ATAAC) ONLY. Refer to 500 Hour interval for Naturally Aspirated (NA) Engines.Every 17,000 L (4,500 gal) of Fuel or 500 Service Hours (NA Only)*
Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S) - Obtain Sample Engine Oil and Filter(s) - Change Crankcase Breather - Clean Engine Valve Lash (Between First 500 and 1000 Service Hours Only) - Check/AdjustEvery 34,000 L (9,000 gal) of Fuel or 1000 Service Hours*
Engine Protection Devices - Inspect SR4 Generator and Control Panel - Inspect Fuel Control Linkage - LubricateEvery 67,000 L (18,000 gal) of Fuel or 2000 Service Hours*
Engine Valve Lash, Valve Rotators, Fuel Ratio Control, Set Point, and Low Idle - Check/Adjust Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Clean/Replace Turbocharger - Inspect Engine Mounts - Inspect Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect SR4 Generator - Check/Inspect Clean/LubricateEvery 91,000 L (24,000 gal) of Fuel or 3000 Service Hours or Two Years*
Cooling System - Add Extender (Extended Life Coolant Only) - Cooling System - Drain/Clean/Replace Coolant - Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze Only Water Pump Seal - Inspect/Replace Hoses - Replace Thermostat - ReplaceEvery 136,000 L (36,000 gal) of Fuel or 4000 Service Hours*
Magnetic Pickup - Inspect/Clean SR4 Generator - Check/Inspect/Clean/LubricateEvery 204,000 L (54,000 gal) of Fuel or 6,000 Service Hours or Four Years
Cooling System - Drain/Flush/Replace Coolant (Extended Life Coolant Only)*Perform previous maintenance interval items first.
Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect engine for leaks and loose connections Engine Crankcase - Check oil level Cooling System - Check coolant level Clutch - Check/Adjust/Lubricate Air Starter & Air Tank (if equipped) - Check Engine Air Cleaner - Check service indicator SR4 Generator - Inspect/CheckEvery 1,900 L (500 gal) of Fuel or 50 Service Hours*
Dust Collector - Clean Light Duty Air Cleaner (If Equipped) - ReplaceEvery 4,250 L (1,100 gal) of Fuel or 125 Service Hours*
Clutch - Check/Adjust/Lubricate Generator Space Heaters - CheckEvery 8,500 L (2,200 gal) of Fuel or 250 Service Hours*
Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S)1 - Obtain Sample Engine Oil and Filter(s)1 - Change Crankcase Breather1 - Clean Engine Valve Lash (Between First 250 and 1000 Service Hours Only)1 - Check/Adjust Cooling System - Test for supplemental coolant additive concentration Fuel System - Clean/Replace filters, Drain water from fuel tank Radiator Fins, Aftercooler, Belts, and Hoses - Inspect/Check Fan Drive Bearing - Lubricate Batteries - Clean/Check Magnetic Pickup (At First Oil Change Only - Inspect/Clean1These maintenance requirements are to be performed between the 250 and the 1000 Service Hour interval for engines equipped with turbochargers (T, TA & ATAAC) ONLY. Refer to 500 Hour interval for Naturally Aspirated (NA) Engines.Every 17,000 L (4,500 gal) of Fuel or 500 Service Hours (NA Only)*
Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S) - Obtain Sample Engine Oil and Filter(s) - Change Crankcase Breather - Clean Engine Valve Lash (Between First 500 and 1000 Service Hours Only) - Check/AdjustEvery 34,000 L (9,000 gal) of Fuel or 1000 Service Hours*
Engine Protection Devices - Inspect SR4 Generator and Control Panel - Inspect Fuel Control Linkage - LubricateEvery 67,000 L (18,000 gal) of Fuel or 2000 Service Hours*
Engine Valve Lash, Valve Rotators, Fuel Ratio Control, Set Point, and Low Idle - Check/Adjust Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Clean/Replace Turbocharger - Inspect Engine Mounts - Inspect Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect SR4 Generator - Check/Inspect Clean/LubricateEvery 91,000 L (24,000 gal) of Fuel or 3000 Service Hours or Two Years*
Cooling System - Add Extender (Extended Life Coolant Only) - Cooling System - Drain/Clean/Replace Coolant - Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze Only Water Pump Seal - Inspect/Replace Hoses - Replace Thermostat - ReplaceEvery 136,000 L (36,000 gal) of Fuel or 4000 Service Hours*
Magnetic Pickup - Inspect/Clean SR4 Generator - Check/Inspect/Clean/LubricateEvery 204,000 L (54,000 gal) of Fuel or 6,000 Service Hours or Four Years
Cooling System - Drain/Flush/Replace Coolant (Extended Life Coolant Only)*Perform previous maintenance interval items first.