09611-00302 HOUSING SUB-ASSY, Denso Cross

Buy HOUSING SUB-ASSY, 09611-00302 genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

Information housing sub-assy, Denso

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Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day of operation to drive out moist air and to prevent condensation. Maintain a fairly constant level in the tank (near the top) to avoid drawing moisture into the tank as the level decreases. Do not fill the tank to the top. Fuel expands as it gets warm and may overflow.Drain water and sediment from tank at the interval specified in the Maintenance Schedule.Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them. Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel system parts.
Fuel Recommendations
Use only fuel as recommended in this section. The fuels recommended for use in Caterpillar engines are No.2-D diesel fuel and No.2 fuel oil, although No. 1 grades are acceptable. The following fuel specifications are some of the worldwide fuels which may meet the requirements. Caterpillar Diesel Engines are capable of burning a wide range of distillate fuels. The use of clean, stable blends of distillate fuel which meet the following requirements will provide quality engine service life. Sulfur
The percentage of sulfur

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