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Engine Lubricant Specification
Caterpillar has an oil formulation to provide maximum performance and life for your on-highway diesel truck engine. Cat Engine Oils are offered in a full line of appropriate single and multi-viscosity grades to meet the performance and ambient temperature requirements for heavy duty diesel truck engines.Caterpillar recommends the following specifications to achieve the maximum engine life and performance with your on-highway diesel truck engine.* Caterpillar Engine Oil Cat Diesel Engine Oil-DEO (CF-4)Cat Diesel Engine Oil-DEO (CD)Cat Oils are performance rated as SAE 10W30 - API CF-4 (new category); API CE;SAE 15W40 - API CF-4 (new category); API CE;API CD-IISAE 30 - API CD-II; API CDCat Engine Oil is currently being used for factory fill for engines and is offered by Caterpillar dealers for continued refill use. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for this Cat Oil.Cat Diesel Engine Oil DEO (CF-4) is an oil formulated with strong dispersancy effectiveness along with sufficient alkalinity and low sulfated ash level for performance requirements of engine operation in today's and future designs. Oils meeting the American Petroleum Institute (API) CF-4 performance category possess the properties to operate effectively at the higher piston temperatures of some current and future engines.The DEO (CF-4) oil type to be selected will depend on the engine type, fuel sulfur, application and customer preference.The DEO (CF-4) oil is blended in viscosity grades of SAE 10W30 and 15W40. Multi-grade oils are required because of the significantly lower oil consumption of multi-viscosity oils as compared to single grades. Oil consumption and piston crownland deposits are very important in the engine tests used to evaluate oil performance. This oil is also qualified as API SG which allows its use in gasoline engine applications requiring this performance rating.Cat Diesel Engine Oil DEO (CD) is blended with a diesel engine type additive with strong detergency effectiveness. This oil has a higher alkalinity (13.5 TBN) than many oils for the neutralization of wear causing combustion products and provides additional protection for higher fuel sulfur. This oil is blended in single viscosity grades (SAE 10W, 30 and 40). Commercial Oils
If oils other than Cat oils are to be used, the following oil specifications provide guidelines for the selection of commercial products.* API specifications CF-4 or CF-4/SGIf API CF-4 oils are not available, the API CE or CE/SG may be used with shortened oil change intervals as determined by close monitoring of oil condition with Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S) and infrared analysis.
Failure to follow the commercial oil recommendation for API CF-4 or CE performance oils can cause shortened engine life due to piston carbon deposits, liner bore polish and/or abnormally higher increasing oil consumption.
Additional Notes
The percentage of sulfur in the fuel will affect the engine oil recommendations. For fuel sulfur effects, the Infrared Analysis and the ASTM D2896 procedure can be used to evaluate the residual neutralization properties of an engine oil. The sulfur products formation depends on the fuel sulfur content, oil formulation, crankcase blowby, engine operating conditions and ambient temperature.Caterpillar's 20
Caterpillar has an oil formulation to provide maximum performance and life for your on-highway diesel truck engine. Cat Engine Oils are offered in a full line of appropriate single and multi-viscosity grades to meet the performance and ambient temperature requirements for heavy duty diesel truck engines.Caterpillar recommends the following specifications to achieve the maximum engine life and performance with your on-highway diesel truck engine.* Caterpillar Engine Oil Cat Diesel Engine Oil-DEO (CF-4)Cat Diesel Engine Oil-DEO (CD)Cat Oils are performance rated as SAE 10W30 - API CF-4 (new category); API CE;SAE 15W40 - API CF-4 (new category); API CE;API CD-IISAE 30 - API CD-II; API CDCat Engine Oil is currently being used for factory fill for engines and is offered by Caterpillar dealers for continued refill use. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for this Cat Oil.Cat Diesel Engine Oil DEO (CF-4) is an oil formulated with strong dispersancy effectiveness along with sufficient alkalinity and low sulfated ash level for performance requirements of engine operation in today's and future designs. Oils meeting the American Petroleum Institute (API) CF-4 performance category possess the properties to operate effectively at the higher piston temperatures of some current and future engines.The DEO (CF-4) oil type to be selected will depend on the engine type, fuel sulfur, application and customer preference.The DEO (CF-4) oil is blended in viscosity grades of SAE 10W30 and 15W40. Multi-grade oils are required because of the significantly lower oil consumption of multi-viscosity oils as compared to single grades. Oil consumption and piston crownland deposits are very important in the engine tests used to evaluate oil performance. This oil is also qualified as API SG which allows its use in gasoline engine applications requiring this performance rating.Cat Diesel Engine Oil DEO (CD) is blended with a diesel engine type additive with strong detergency effectiveness. This oil has a higher alkalinity (13.5 TBN) than many oils for the neutralization of wear causing combustion products and provides additional protection for higher fuel sulfur. This oil is blended in single viscosity grades (SAE 10W, 30 and 40). Commercial Oils
If oils other than Cat oils are to be used, the following oil specifications provide guidelines for the selection of commercial products.* API specifications CF-4 or CF-4/SGIf API CF-4 oils are not available, the API CE or CE/SG may be used with shortened oil change intervals as determined by close monitoring of oil condition with Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S) and infrared analysis.
Failure to follow the commercial oil recommendation for API CF-4 or CE performance oils can cause shortened engine life due to piston carbon deposits, liner bore polish and/or abnormally higher increasing oil consumption.
Additional Notes
The percentage of sulfur in the fuel will affect the engine oil recommendations. For fuel sulfur effects, the Infrared Analysis and the ASTM D2896 procedure can be used to evaluate the residual neutralization properties of an engine oil. The sulfur products formation depends on the fuel sulfur content, oil formulation, crankcase blowby, engine operating conditions and ambient temperature.Caterpillar's 20